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João José Pinto Ferreira

Fotografia de João José da Cunha e Silva Pinto Ferreira
Nome: João José da Cunha e Silva Pinto Ferreira Ligação à página pessoal de João José da Cunha e Silva Pinto Ferreira
Sigla: JJF
Estado: Ativo
Email Institucional:
Telf.Alt.: 220413216
Voip: 3216
Extensão Telefónica: 3216
Telemóvel:(+ 351): 917072250 Contacto Confirmado
Salas: S11.13 , I111


Categoria: Professor Associado
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Grupo profissional: Docente
Departamento: Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


Cargo Data de Início
Membro do Conselho de Departamento Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2022-11-29
Diretor de Curso de Mestrado Mestrado em Inovação e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico 2023-03-23
Presidente da Comissão Cientifica Mestrado em Inovação e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico 2023-03-23
Presidente da Comissão de Acompanhamento de Curso Mestrado em Inovação e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico 2023-03-23
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Competências Transversais: Gestão Estratégica da Inovação 2021-07-26
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Competências Transversais: Criação de Oportunidades para Inovação 2021-07-28
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Empreendedorismo e Inovação 2021-07-30

Apresentação Pessoal

Editor Fundador: Journal of Innovation Management -


João José got is Licenciatura in Electrical Engineering and Computers at Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) in1987; MSc Electrical Engineering and Computers at FEUP in 1991; PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computers at FEUP in 1995. Habilitation (agregação) in 2011.

Positions Held: 1987-1995, FEUP, Assistant Lecturer; 1995 – 2003: FEUP, Assistant Professor; 2003-today: FEUP, Associate Professor. At FEUP (1997-2000) also he was Member of the Executive Board of the Electrical Engineering Department and since 2004 Director of the Master Degree of Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship. From October 2004 to July 2007 assumed a joint coordination of INESC Porto Unit of Information and Communication Systems. In January 2008 moved to the newly created Department in FEUP, “Industrial Engineering and Management Department”.

Research Activity: in 1988 starts his collaboration as researcher at Institute of Engineering Systems and Computers (INESC). His R&D activity, developed 1st at INESC and later at INESC Porto, started in 1988 and concentrated in areas such as: Enterprise Integration, supporting Architectures and Life-cycle. Executable Models. Enterprise Modeling. João José is member of Portuguese Engineers Society, of the IFIP WG5.12, Working Group on Architectures for Enterprise Integration and Expert to the Comité Européen de Normalisation, CEN / TC 310 / WG1, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Systems Architecture. Along with his R&D activity he assumed different roles in several R&D european projects: Participation as work-package leader and project leader in ESPRIT 5478 SHOP-CONTROL as workpackage leader in ESPRIT 8865 Real-I-CIM, as expert in ESPRIT 9245 PASSE, as work-package leader in ESPRIT 20544 X-CITTIC. Participation as Project Coordinator and Technical Manager of COBIP UR 4002 - SECTOR 6 do TELEMATICS APPLICATIONS PROGRAMME (Jan98/Dec/99). Project; Project Coordinator and Technical Manager of the DAMASCOS project IST-1999-11850 (Jan2000/Dec2001). Technical Coordinator the European projects B-MAN and In the meantime was involved in european projects in the area of entrepreneurship and open innovation.
Current Research Interests: Front-end of Innovation; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship.




Categoria: Membro Integrado
Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento: INESC TEC - INESC Tecnologia e Ciência
Instituto de Interface: Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
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